In our first newsletter of 2024 we share new board members & roles, our invitation to meet annually with the Ministry of Education, highlights from a meeting with our Alberta counterpart AHEA, website update plans, plus an exciting new benefit of membership……

A Voice for Registered Homeschoolers in British Columbia – BCHEA acts as a liaison between home educators, the Provincial Government, and other organizations, with a focus on preserving and enhancing the rights and freedoms of homeschooling parents in BC.

Staying Current; Keeping Informed; Being a Relevant Resource – Enhancing our website to develop a variety of articles, blog posts, and events, to augment our lively Facebook community. Providing updates on key issues affecting Home Education options in British Columbia.

To read the rest become a member  –  If cost is standing in the way of any family, we wish to remove that obstacle. Although we suggest a donation amount of $25, every donation, regardless of size, is greatly appreciated. We are a non-profit, volunteer run organization. Donations are used to help to offset costs associated with running the organization, participating in home learning conferences, communicating with members via the BCHEA E-News, zoom licenses, maintaining the website, printing brochures and other helpful materials, and other day to day costs of operating a society.

Join our Community; We want to hear your voice – Being a member of BCHEA helps create a larger collective voice for Home Education advocacy in British Columbia and involves you in a community that stretches across the province!

Get Involved; Place Your Vote – Members are eligible to vote in the election of the board, hold a position on the board, and have input and voting privileges on motions at AGMs and Special Meetings.